It’s Ours! OMG, It’s Ours!
It’s ours! We took possession of Our Philly Row today. As soon as our realtor dropped us off, we dropped our bags and I did this video walk-thru. I did this on the first take, so it is a bit rough, but hey, who cares? We own this big pile of 160 165 year old brick. We are excited, we are a bit scared, and there is so much to do. but our dreams are flourishing as we think about the possibilities.
Did I mention that there is so much to do? Fortunately, we have lots of ideas. It is hard to believe that less than four months ago, we were on our first visit together to Philadelphia, with just a vague idea that we would let go of our New York lives and settle into a whole new experience. Now we own a house, and all of the joys and challenges which come with home ownership.
I can’t wait to share our experience and I hope will join us for the journey. Please feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts or ideas.
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So excited for you two. My son and his honey ( plus spoiled chihuahua) live just blocks from you; seems like a great neighborhood. I have been following your NY adventures for some time and love your aesthetics, work ethic and writing. As an expat New Yorker in San Francisco I can’t wait to see what comes next!
Thanks for being my first official commenter on Our Philly Row!
Yoav and I are super excited about our new house, and I am looking forward to documenting our process here for a good long time. Glad to have you along.
I caught wind of your blog from Manhattan-Nest – I am catching up and very excited to keep following along!!
Thanks for stopping by GG! Glad to have you along for the transformation. Progress will be a bit slow till for a little while until we move to the house around the beginning of the new year, but I have lots of plans and ideas.
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[…] March, we took possession of the house and it was ours! (Video Walkthrough). The first thing we did was go to Ikea (only two miles from the house) to buy a mattress, bedding, […]
[…] later, keys in hand, we finally got to take a hard look at the inside of what was now our house. I shot this video of the house (in which I state that we think it was built in 1858) moments after arriving with the […]