Daydreaming is good, right? — Part 3
In the midst of all of the chaos going on in our lives between resolving all of the structural issues at our new (old) Philly row and getting our New York apartment ready to sell, there are the moments spent daydreaming about how fabulous our new home will eventually be. After spending countless hours pinning images on Pinterest, I thought it would be fun to post about my inspirations for our house. Previously in Part 1, I posted about the outdoor spaces both front and back, then in Part 2 I did a tour of the first floor. In my third and final installment, I wanted to take you upstairs to the rest of the house and share my current ideas. It will be fun to look back in a year or two to see how much of this translated into what we actually do. As with my previous post in this series, for the sake of brevity, I am going to keep the inspiration images to a minimum to convey my thoughts and ideas, but trust me…. I have LOTS of ideas and these images only scratch the surface.

The second floor is split into two sections, front and rear. The layout shown is what is planned for the future as there is no master bath yet.
Second Floor:
OK, so let’s start with the second floor in the rear. The second floor is broken up into two distinct zones. The rear zone is accessed via a single door on the landing 2/3 of the way up the stairs (shaded area on floor plan). Because this area is separate from the rest of the house, we immediately thought it would make an ideal guest room with en suite bath. The room has low 7’ 9” ceilings (like the dining room and kitchen below) and as best as I can determine, it was originally quarters for the live in staff. I will delve into that in future posts, but it was clearly not intended to be a part of the rest of the house.

This is our guest room at the moment. For the time being, it is where we sleep when we are staying at the house. Everything is from IKEA cause it’s less than two miles away and we needed to create one place we can rest very quickly.
The guest room itself is decent sized at about eleven by fifteen feet. And the en suite bath is fairly large as well at about eleven by eight feet. I’ll get to the guest bath in a moment, but for the guest room, my plans for the guest room are to keep it it light and bright. This corner of the house gets a lot of sunshine and I want our guests to feel at home. But of course that does not mean there won’t be some bold color.

Perhaps not hot pink, but I love way Roger and Chris did simple board and batten on the walls as a form of wainscoting and kept it a simple white on the walls and floors, while going really bold on the upper wall and ceiling. so, we may not be going with hot pink, but I do want to do something that is bold. [Source: Roger and Chris]

This is currently the only full bath in the house. Located at the far rear off of the guest room, it has only one thing going for it, size. it’s 8’x11′. Other than that, it is functional, but ugly as sh*t. (Listing photo)
The guest bath is currently the only full bath in the house (there is the half bath on the first floor). Wow is it frightful!…. I am guessing it was it was last renovated in the style of slumlord chic sometime in the 80s. Then, to add to to the butt ugly, we discovered that water inconveniently drips through the ceiling in the kitchen below when you shower, necessitating the addition of a sheet of plastic around the tub walls to keep the water in the tub.
Even more wacky….. From the very first time that indoor plumbing was introduced to the house in the late 19th century, everyone on the second and third floors of the main house has had to schlepp down at least a half flight of stairs to the far rear of the house at night to answer the call of nature. Yikes!

Also in Roger and Chris’s former Sharon Springs, NY farmhouse is this lovely bathroom, which I think looks great! I already have a dresser to convert to a vanity. [Source: Roger and Chris]
There is absolutely nothing of any merit or value in the current bathroom aside from the original door. We plan to replace all of the existing fixtures with no plans to rearrange any of them, even though having the toilet in the corner like it is seems strange and odd. As with the guest room, I want to do the same board and batten treatment, keeping it simple. We will add a tile floor, update the lighting, and instead of a tub, I want to install a walk-in shower for when my parents visit. Hopefully, it will be a straight forward update without any drama.

The master bedroom is relatively spacious for the period (13’x15′) and has nine foot ceilings. The closet on the left is only a few decades old, but the one in the middle by the window dates back to 1852. Of course having the park across the street will always be something special. (Listing photo)
This view of the second floor front bedroom is from the listing photo. At thirteen by fifteen, this is the largest bedroom in the house, even though the bedroom above it in the third floor is exactly the same size. The difference? Ceiling height. The second floor ceilings are nine foot whereas they are a foot lower on the third floor. Given the higher ceilings, the 200 square foot room is the largest bedroom by volume so it makes the most sense to use as our master bedroom. Beyond the the addition of a corner closet sometime in the 60s and the removal of the original coal burning fireplace, the room is mostly unchanged for the past 165 years. It retains the original floors, millwork, and very impractical 12 inch deep closet in the corner.

My inspiration image for the master bedroom isn’t quite what is in my minds eye, but there is a lot to love about this space. It has a bit of a clubby masculine feel without being too masculine, while staying creative at the same time. I was thinking we would end up with a wood headboard, but this aged brass is quite nice. [Source: An Indian Summer]

Second floor rear bedroom. This oddly shaped room is adjacent to the master bedroom and will be converted to a master bath and walk in closet. It’s gonna be amazing. (Listing photo)
As previously noted above, for the past 125 or so years, people sleeping on the second and third floors of the main house had to schlepp down at least a half flight of stairs to go pee at three am. Well… No more. The floor plan is the future state of what we want to do. We are going to convert the small bedroom adjacent to our master bedroom into a master bath and walk-in closet. We plan to close off the hallway door, re-open a previous doorway between the two bedrooms (like the door between the bedrooms above on the third floor), and create a nice little oasis just for the two of us.

This bathroom looks fantastic! I love how vintage it looks without being to full of itself. [Source: Better Homes and Gardens]

The third floor is all mine to use as studio/art/work space as well as a small meditation area.
One of the huge and very exciting things for me when we were looking at houses was the realization that we could very easily obtain a house which had a third floor I could utilize as studio space for myself. I have long had an artistic side, and although I have been creative over the years, I have mostly had to “back burner” my creative talent in the name of establishing a career and building a comfortable life. One of the plans for our new life in Philly is to be able to pull back a bit and spend more time on what we love. For me that is art.

Third floor front bedroom. This will be my studio/workspace. I look forward to spending many hours staring out the window at the squirrels in the park across the street. (Listing photo)
How I am going to put my talent to work, I have yet to determine, but the one thing I have never had is any space beyond the corner of a living room to create. Now I will have the entire 400 square foot third floor as my own creative space (which will be separate from my wood-shop in the basement).

Okay, so my space isn’t like this at all, but I love the idea of having a space that is all about creativity and this space nails it for me. [Source: Fourth District]
My plans are fairly simple. I have no plans to alter the spaces, but instead will use the two rooms for different purposes. In the front room, I plan to set up my studio space starting with putting a desk between the two windows overlooking the park. I also want to build a large work table on wheels to use for project work, and set up a comfortable seating area for chilling. At the moment, I am thinking I should paint the walls and ceiling bright white. The floor is original, but not in great shape. Rather than try to refinish it and be constantly stressed about getting paint or other permanent crap on it, I am going to use the same time tested finish as the guest room…. Paint. The big benefit of painting the floor is that it can be painted again and again.

This utility sink from Gridman may be just the practical sink I need for my utility room. [Source: Amazon]
In the rear room, I will take advantage of our new master bath below and add the plumbing for a utility sink to wash up and clean brushes, etc. (I am also going to bring a waste pipe up from below to accommodate a future toilet so we can create a third fill bath should we ever need to sell). I’m really liking this stainless steel restaurant sink with built in drainboard. Along with the sink, I want to build out shelving to store supplies and such.
In the interior area of the rear room, I want to carve out a meditation space where I can shut the world off for a while and let go of the outside world… The photo below is a bit much, but there is something quite cozy about this space.

This is a bit much… Okay, this is way too much, but there is something about the idea of getting cozy in a plush quiet space to get away from the world for 20 minutes a day that feels absolutely luxurious. (Source: Flickr, unable to determine user)
Well…. That about sums up the whole house! OK, I didn’t talk about the basement beyond a wood-shop, but I am still figuring that one out. All of these ideas will be refined as we begin work on them, but I am confident that a lot of what I envision will come to pass…. Even if it takes a few years. I do hope you have enjoyed my daydreams for our house, and I do hope you will stick around and watch the transformation.

I’m relieved that you’re making provisions for the third bath so it could in the future have 3 usable bedrooms. That’s probably important for resale. I have 1 of the 3 original closets that my house came with and it works just fine for linens, though it’s a commodious 15 inches deep.
If you’re interested in seeing what I did with my floors, I had several different weird things goingon. In most of the second floor I pulled out crude rectangular patches put in new patches with the ends of the boards staggered in a random pattern and reinforced the undersides of all the upstairs floors by gluing scrap plywood to the undersides until they stopped creaking (especially above said patches where the ends were unsupported). The back bedroom had a 6 inch slant so I leveled the floor and then installed the original flooring glued down. Then the kitchen had 7 vinyl floors with a different newer but still old pine subfloor that looked terrifying with remnants of asphalt mastic all over it, but came out great. It has a lot of nail holes from the floors that came out. I can dig those posts out of the archives if you want.
Also, 50/50 says the light in the bathroom might be worth enough to at least donate. I can’t really tell.
Also, if you think that meditation room inspiration is a bit much, check out this neighbor of mine. He was once on a neighborhood tour so I was lucky enough to see it in person:
I know about him! He certainly adds flavor to the local arts world…. I’d love to see his home one day. I’m also familiar with Isaiah Zagar and his mosaic murals all over the neighborhood.
The whole idea have having a dedicated space to sit quietly for 20 min a day seems like such a huge luxury after living in less than 500 square feet for nearly all of my entire adult life… As does the notion that I will have an entire floor dedicated to creativity. Amazing!
The floors….
All of the floors in the main portion of the house are original (the rooms in the back may be original under the asphalt tile, but we don’t know yet). The challenge is that there are no sub-floors anywhere in the house. The floorboards are just nailed to the joists (you can tell if the basement lights are on while in the living room due to the shrinkage of the floorboards).
On the first floor, they have been stained and coated in polyurethane to a dark shiny finish. I would have never used a poly finish as it is too hard to remove in the future and not very authentic. I don’t want to sand them down as that would remove the character which we both love as well as thin them down which is not good without a sub-floor to support them. They are what they are and we will just live with them for a while.
On the second and third floors, the wood floors are for the most part untouched for the past 100+ years. They are filthy dirty with decades of dirt build up along with mounds of cat hair, cat vomit, and who knows what else. Whatever I do, I will need to be careful not to allow moisture to work it’s way down to the plaster ceilings below. So no wet mopping the floors to clean them without a lot of caution. There are some areas which were painted, other areas where there is just bare wood. I plan to paint the floors on the third floor because it is practical for the studio. On the second floor, I would like to try and restore the floors in the master bedroom and hallway. That will take a lot of work and tung oil, but I know we can get there. You can be sure there will be posts in the future on the floors and how I will handle them.
I think the bathroom light fixture is long gone… I had the electricians install porcelain sockets throughout the entire house when they replaced all of the knob and tube.
[…] of ideas for the house, as well as keeping an eye out for things to put in it. In August I posted part three about my plans and ideas for the house and wrote the following about the master […]